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Digestive System: The Path of Food & Accessory Organs

by 키우며 크는 나무 2025. 2. 12.

Food travels through the digestive system in the following order:


mouth → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine → anus.


During this process, accessory organs—the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder—help digestion by releasing digestive enzymes and bile.

1. Mouth – The First Gate of Digestion!

One day, a team of delicious food explorers set off on an adventure. 🚀
Kimbap, apples, and sweet potatoes were all excited to begin their journey. But before they could move forward, they had to pass through the first gate—the mouth!

However, there was a strict rule inside the mouth!
🚧 "You must be crushed into tiny pieces and mixed with saliva before entering the next world (the esophagus)!" 🚧

(1) Mechanical Digestion: Breaking Down Food

👩‍🍳 "Chew, chew, chew! You must chew to pass through!"

Inside the mouth, a powerful crushing machine—the teeth—was waiting for the food explorers.
The teeth quickly got to work, breaking the food into smaller pieces.

🔹 Types of Teeth and Their Jobs:

  • Molars – Crush and grind food into tiny bits.
  • Canines – Tear apart tough foods like meat.
  • Incisors – Bite into foods like apples.

💡 Example:
When you take a bite of an apple, your incisors help you break off a piece.
As you chew, your molars grind it down, making it soft and easy to swallow.

📌 Imagine that every time you chew, your food shrinks by 1 cm inside your mouth!
If you chew 30 times, it becomes so soft it almost turns into liquid!

(2) Chemical Digestion: The Magic of Saliva 🧙‍♂️

But chewing alone isn’t enough!
"Now, it's time for the saliva wizards to work their magic!" ✨

Inside the mouth, salivary glands started releasing a magical liquid called saliva!
This saliva contained a powerful spell

🪄 Amylase – The Carb-Breaking Magic!

  • Breaks down carbohydrates (starch) → Turns them into maltose (a type of sugar)!
  • That’s why chewing rice or sweet potatoes for a long time makes them taste sweet!

💡 Example:
When you chew rice or sweet potatoes for a while, the amylase in your saliva breaks down the starch, and you start to taste sweetness!

(3) The Transformation into a Bolus!

As food mixes with saliva, it turns into a soft, moist ball called a bolus.

Now, the food explorers are ready to exit the mouth and head toward the next stage—the pharynx! 🎉

But wait… a new challenge awaits!
🤔 "Where should we go now?"

Inside the mouth, there are two possible paths:

  1. Esophagus – The correct path for food.
  2. Trachea – The wrong path! If food goes here, you could choke! 😵

At this moment, a security guard called the epiglottis appears!
🚧 "Food goes to the esophagus! Air goes to the trachea!" 🚧
Thanks to the epiglottis, food safely travels to the esophagus without entering the airway.

(4) Off to the Next World! 🚀

Finally, the food explorers enter the esophagus!
"Is everyone ready? The peristalsis train is departing!" 🚂

💡 Important Tips:
Always chew your food well so it mixes with saliva and goes down smoothly.
Don't talk while eating—food might go the wrong way, causing you to choke!

Next stop: the esophagus! (See you in the next adventure! 😆)

🔹 Summary: Mouth (The First Stage of Digestion!)

Food enters the mouth.
Mechanical digestion begins (chewing).
Chemical digestion starts:

  • Salivary glands release amylase to break down starch into sugar.
    ✔ Food mixes with saliva and becomes a soft bolus.
    The epiglottis directs food to the esophagus.
    Food moves to the esophagus! 🚀

2. Esophagus – The Food Explorers’ Slide Adventure!

After leaving the mouth, the food explorers entered the esophagus! 🚀
But wait! The esophagus wasn’t just a simple slide where food dropped straight down.

Suddenly, something strange happened—squeeeze!
The walls of the esophagus started moving on their own, pushing the food downward! 😲


(1) Peristalsis – The Food-Pushing Machine 🚂

The esophagus isn’t just a simple tube.
Inside, a special moving belt called peristalsis is at work!

💡 What is Peristalsis?
➡ The muscles in the esophagus contract and relax in waves, gently pushing food down toward the stomach.

🔹 Example:
Think about squeezing a tube of toothpaste—when you press from the bottom, the toothpaste moves up.
The esophagus works in a similar way!
🚂 "All aboard! The esophagus train is on the move!"
The food explorers kept traveling toward their next destination—the stomach!


(2) Defying Gravity! 💪

"Wait! If I do a handstand, will my food still go down?" 😲

Yes! Thanks to peristalsis, food keeps moving toward the stomach—even if you're upside down!

🔹 Example:
If our bodies relied only on gravity, we wouldn’t be able to eat while lying down!
But thanks to peristalsis, no matter what position we eat in, food safely reaches the stomach.

(3) No Digestion Here! – Just a Passageway 🚫

The esophagus doesn’t digest food—it only transports it!

  • The starch digestion that started in the mouth (with saliva) continues,
  • But no new digestion happens here.
  • The esophagus is simply a highway for food to travel!

(4) When Things Go Wrong – The Risk of Reflux! 🚨

Sometimes, food accidentally comes back up. This is called reflux!

🔹 When does reflux happen?

  • Eating too fast 🚀
  • Overeating 🍔🍕
  • Stomach acid rising into the esophagus (heartburn, acid reflux!) 🔥

Luckily, we have a protector!
➡ A special muscle gate called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) stops food from coming back up.
It works like a door—once food enters the stomach, it closes to keep it from returning!

But if this muscle weakens, stomach acid can rise up into the esophagus, causing heartburn.

📌 Important Lessons:
Don't lie down right after eating! (This helps prevent acid reflux.)
Eat slowly! (So food can pass through the esophagus smoothly.)

(5) Off to the Next World! 🚀

Finally, the food explorers finished their slide journey through the esophagus and arrived at their next destination—the stomach!
But here, a powerful acid is waiting for them…! 😨

📌 Next Chapter – "Stomach: The Ultimate Digestion Lab!" 🎬
Food moves into the stomach! (See you in the next adventure! 😆)

🔹 Summary: Esophagus (The Transport Tube!)

Peristalsis moves food toward the stomach.
No digestion happens here.
The Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) prevents food from coming back up.
Food moves into the stomach! 🚀


3. Stomach – The Powerful Digestion Lab! 🔬🔥

The food explorers have finally arrived in the stomach world! 🎉
But… this place was anything but ordinary. 😱

Bubbles were boiling everywhere,
and a strong acid (HCl) was fizzing and spraying all around! 💥
They had entered the ultimate digestion lab!

(1) Stomach Acid (HCl) – Killing Germs & Breaking Down Proteins

👨‍🔬 "Experiment begins! Stomach acid, get ready to fire!"

Inside the stomach, a powerful acid called HCl (hydrochloric acid) started pouring out!

This acid has two superpowers:

1️⃣ Killing Germs – Eliminating Invaders!
The food we eat might contain bacteria and harmful microbes.
Luckily, stomach acid destroys them all like a strong weapon!
💡 Example: If you eat spoiled food, but your stomach acid isn’t strong enough, you could get food poisoning! 🤢

2️⃣ Breaking Down Proteins – Making Digestion Easier!
Stomach acid denatures proteins, which means it changes their shape so they can be broken down more easily.

💡 Example:
Think about a raw egg. When you put it in hot water, the egg white hardens and changes shape.
Proteins do the same thing when they meet stomach acid, getting ready for digestion!

🔹 But wait… the stomach is also made of protein! What if stomach acid dissolves it? 🤔
Don’t worry! The stomach is protected by a thick mucus layer (Mucin).
But if this protective layer gets weak (due to stress or spicy food), stomach ulcers can form! 😥

(2) Pepsin – The Protein-Cutting Expert! 🥩🔪

Now, the real digestion experiment begins!
"Activating Pepsin!" 🔫

📌 Pepsin is a powerful enzyme that breaks proteins into smaller pieces (polypeptides).

First, stomach acid denatures the proteins, making them soft.
Then, pepsin acts like scissors, cutting the proteins into smaller pieces!

🔹 Example:
When we eat meat,

  • Stomach acid first loosens up the protein fibers, and
  • Pepsin then cuts them into tiny bits for digestion!

📌 Important Lessons:
✅ Foods rich in protein stay in the stomach longer.
Chew slowly and avoid overeating for better digestion!

(3) Stomach Muscle Movements – The Food Mixer! 💪

But digestion isn’t just about chemicals!
The stomach is also a strong muscle, and it churns, squeezes, and mixes food! 🌀

📌 The stomach has powerful muscles that:
Mash and grind food, breaking it into smaller bits.
Mix food with stomach acid and enzymes.
Turn food into a thick liquid for easy digestion.

🔹 Example:
Imagine putting a piece of bread into a blender with water.
As it blends, the bread turns into a smooth, soupy mixture.
The stomach does the same thing!

Once food is fully mixed, it becomes a thick liquid called Chyme!

Now, the food explorers are transformed into a soft liquid, ready for the next journey!

(4) How Long Does Food Stay in the Stomach? ⏳

"Wait! How long do we stay here?" 🤔

💡 The time depends on what kind of food you eat!

Fast-Digesting Foods:

  • Soup, fruits, and vegetables → Move to the small intestine in 1–2 hours!
    💡 Example: That’s why drinking soup on an empty stomach makes you feel hungry again quickly!

🐢 Slow-Digesting Foods:

  • Meat, fried food, and oily foods → Stay in the stomach for 4–6 hours!
    💡 Example: If you eat fatty pork (like samgyeopsal) before exercise, you might feel heavy and sluggish!

📌 Important Lessons:
Eating fatty food before bed can make your stomach feel heavy!
Light foods digest quickly, but high-protein and fatty foods take longer!

(5) Off to the Next World! 🚀

Finally, the food explorers have completed their transformation in the stomach!
Now, as a thick liquid called Chyme, they are ready for the next stage—nutrient absorption in the small intestine!

But… there’s one last gate before they can leave.
🚪 The Pyloric Sphincter!

💡 If this gate opens too fast? → Stomach acid could leak into the small intestine and cause pain!
💡 If it opens too slowly? → Food stays too long in the stomach, making you feel bloated!

✅ When the pyloric sphincter opens at the perfect time, food enters the small intestine smoothly!

📌 Next Chapter – "Small Intestine: The Nutrient Absorption Center!" 🎬
Food moves into the small intestine! (See you in the next adventure! 😆)

🔹 Summary: Stomach (The Digestion Lab!)

Stomach acid (HCl) kills bacteria and softens proteins.
Pepsin breaks proteins into smaller pieces.
The stomach muscles churn food into a liquid (Chyme).
Fast-digesting foods leave in 1–2 hours, fatty foods take 4–6 hours.
Food moves into the small intestine! 🚀


4. Small Intestine – The Grand Nutrient Festival! 🎉

The food explorers have finally arrived in the Small Intestine world! 🚀
This place is completely different from their previous adventures.
Here, food is fully broken down and transformed into nutrients that our body can use!

The small intestine is like a long tunnel, measuring 6–7 meters in length!
(That’s way longer than an average person! 😲)

Now, the food explorers are ready to start their final transformation mission! 🏆

(1) Duodenum – The Real Digestion Begins!

As the chyme (partially digested food) enters the duodenum, it can’t digest itself alone.
That’s why the accessory digestive organs step in to help! 🚨

💡 What do the accessory digestive organs do?

① Pancreas – The Ultimate Digestion Factory! 🏭

The pancreas releases a powerful digestive juice called pancreatic juice.

📌 The Three Key Enzymes in Pancreatic Juice:

  • Amylase → Breaks down carbohydrates (starch)
    💡 Example: Bread (starch) → Glucose
  • Trypsin → Breaks down proteins
    💡 Example: Meat (protein) → Amino acids
  • Lipase → Breaks down fats
    💡 Example: Pork belly (fat) → Fatty acids & Glycerol

② Liver – The Fat-Breaking Wizard! 🧙‍♂️

The liver produces a special liquid called bile.
But instead of releasing bile directly, the gallbladder stores it until needed.

💡 The Role of Bile:
➡ Bile doesn’t directly break down fat. Instead, it splits fat into tiny droplets (emulsification), making it easier for lipase to digest.

🔹 Example:
Think about oil floating on water.
If you add dish soap, the oil breaks into smaller droplets and spreads out.
Bile does the same thing!

📌 Important Lessons:
Eating fatty foods makes the liver and gallbladder work harder!
Too much oily food isn’t good for digestion.

Now, the food explorers move to the Jejunum (Absorption Factory)!

(2) Jejunum – Nutrient Absorption!

The food explorers are now fully transformed into nutrients that the body can absorb! ✨

Each nutrient is broken down into its smallest form and ready to enter the bloodstream!

📌 How nutrients are absorbed:

  • Carbohydrates (starch)Glucose → Enters the bloodstream
  • ProteinsAmino acids → Enters the bloodstream
  • FatsFatty acids & Glycerol → Enters the lymphatic system

🔹 Example:

  • Rice (starch) turns into glucose, supplying energy to the brain and muscles!
  • Meat (protein) turns into amino acids, helping build muscles and repair cells!
  • Pork belly (fat) turns into fatty acids and glycerol, storing energy and keeping the body warm!

📌 Important Lessons:
The body takes time to process food before using its energy.
We need carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—but in balance!

Now, the food explorers move to the Ileum (Final Absorption Station)!

(3) Ileum – Absorbing the Last Nutrients!

Most nutrients have already been absorbed in the jejunum,
but there are still some leftover nutrients to collect!
The ileum ensures that nothing goes to waste!

📌 The Role of the Ileum:

  • Absorbs vitamins and minerals (especially Vitamin B12, iron, and bile salts)
  • Sends nutrients into the bloodstream and lymphatic system
    ➡ Now, the food explorers have completed digestion! 🎉
    ➡ The remaining waste moves to the Large Intestine (Colon)!

(4) Small Intestine Summary

📌 The journey of nutrients in the small intestine:
1️⃣ Duodenum – Digestive juices (pancreatic juice, bile) break food into nutrients.
2️⃣ Jejunum – Absorbs most nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats).
3️⃣ Ileum – Absorbs the last remaining nutrients (vitamins & minerals).
4️⃣ Large Intestine – Prepares waste for removal.

📌 Important Lessons:
The small intestine is where all essential nutrients are absorbed.
A balanced diet with all nutrients keeps the body healthy.
Water and fiber help digestion run smoothly!

📌 Next Chapter – "Large Intestine: The Waste Management Center!" 🎬
The remaining waste moves into the large intestine!
(See you in the next adventure! 😆)


5. Large Intestine – The Final Cleanup! 🧹

The food explorers have finally completed their small intestine journey and arrived in the Large Intestine world! 🚀
But wait… something feels different here.

Since the small intestine has already absorbed all the nutrients, the food explorers are now just waste (unneeded materials) passing through the large intestine!
The large intestine may have a simple job, but it is very important.
➡ It removes unnecessary waste and keeps only what the body needs!

(1) The Large Intestine’s Main Job – Absorbing Water! 💧

The large intestine is much shorter than the small intestine (about 1.5 meters),
but its role is very important!

📌 What does the large intestine do?
Absorbs remaining water and minerals so the body can use them.
✅ If waste has too much waterDiarrhea 💩
✅ If waste has too little waterConstipation 😣

🔹 Example:

  • If you drink enough water, the large intestine absorbs the right amount of moisture, making stool soft and easy to pass.
  • If you don’t drink enough water, the stool becomes hard and dry, leading to constipation!

📌 Important Lessons:
Drink enough water to prevent constipation!
Eat fiber-rich foods (vegetables & fruits) to keep stools soft!

(2) Gut Bacteria – The Battle of Good vs. Bad Bacteria! 🦠

Did you know? Billions of bacteria live inside the large intestine! (Surprising, right? 😆)
But don’t worry—most of these bacteria help your body!

📌 What do gut bacteria do?
Produce important vitamins (B, K)!
Boost immunity – Good bacteria fight off harmful bacteria!
Ferment waste to soften stool and aid digestion.

🔹 Example:

  • Fermented foods like kimchi, yogurt, and miso contain good bacteria (probiotics)!
  • Eating these foods improves gut health and prevents constipation.

📌 Important Lessons:
Eating fermented foods (kimchi, yogurt, etc.) keeps the gut healthy!
Fiber-rich foods help good bacteria grow!

(3) Turning Waste into Stool! 💩

Now, the large intestine performs its final mission!
🚨 It transforms waste into stool (feces) and prepares it for removal!

📌 How stool is formed:
1️⃣ After the small intestine absorbs nutrients, the remaining waste moves to the large intestine.
2️⃣ The large intestine absorbs water, making the waste more solid.
3️⃣ Gut bacteria ferment the waste, helping adjust its texture.
4️⃣ The waste becomes stool (feces) with the right consistency.
5️⃣ Stool moves to the rectum for final storage before elimination!

📌 Why is poop brown?
➡ Because of a pigment called bilirubin, which comes from bile!

(4) Large Intestine Summary 📝

📌 What happens in the large intestine?
Absorbs water & minerals for the body to use.
Gut bacteria produce vitamins (B, K) & soften stool.
Transforms waste into stool and prepares it for removal!

📌 Important Lessons:
Drink enough water to help digestion! 💧
Eat vegetables & fermented foods for a healthy gut! 🥗
Exercise regularly to keep digestion smooth! 🏃‍♂️

The stool (waste) now moves to the rectum for elimination!

📌 Next Chapter – "Rectum & Anus: Time to Say Goodbye!" 🎬
(See you in the next adventure! 😆)

🔹 Summary: Large Intestine

Absorbs remaining water and minerals.
Gut bacteria (probiotics) help produce vitamins (B, K).
Transforms waste into stool for elimination.
Waste moves to the rectum for final removal. 🚀


6. Anus – Time to Say Goodbye! 🚽

The food explorers have finally reached the end of their long journey! 🎉
What once started as delicious food has now been fully digested and absorbed—only waste remains.

Now, this waste has become feces (poop) 💩, ready to leave the body!
But before that, it must pass through the final gate—the Rectum and Anus!

(1) Rectum – The Waiting Room for Poop 🚪

📌 Before being eliminated, poop waits here for a while!
✅ The rectum stores poop that has been formed in the large intestine.
✅ The rectum acts as a signal center, sending messages to the brain when poop is ready to be released.

🔹 Example:

  • When the "poop signal" is sent, you feel the urge to go to the bathroom! 🚽
  • But if you can’t go right away, your body closes the anal sphincter to hold it in.

📌 Important Lessons:
Don’t hold in poop for too long! (It can cause constipation.)
Go to the bathroom regularly to keep your body’s natural rhythm!

(2) Anus – The Final Exit! 🚪

📌 The last gate before elimination!
✅ The anus has a muscle ring (anal sphincter) that controls the release of poop.
✅ When the body is ready, the sphincter relaxes, allowing poop to pass out.

🔹 Example:

  • When pooping, the abdominal muscles and anal sphincter work together to push poop out.
  • But pushing too hard can strain the anus and cause hemorrhoids! 😱

📌 Important Lessons:
Healthy toilet habits are important!
Don’t push too hard—let it happen naturally.
Drink plenty of water & eat fiber-rich foods (vegetables & fruits) to soften poop.

(3) After Pooping – The Cycle Starts Again 🔄

Now, the feces has been completely eliminated! 🎉
But this isn’t the end of the digestive journey!

🚀 A new meal enters the body,
starting the process again:
Mouth → Esophagus → Stomach → Small Intestine → Large Intestine → Anus
The cycle repeats!

(4) Full Digestive System Summary!

📌 The Journey of Food in the Body 🚀
1️⃣ Mouth – Chewing & mixing with saliva (Amylase starts breaking down carbs).
2️⃣ Esophagus – Moves food down to the stomach through peristalsis.
3️⃣ Stomach – Stomach acid & enzymes break down proteins.
4️⃣ Small Intestine – Nutrients are fully digested & absorbed:

  • Duodenum → Digestive enzymes & bile from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder help break down food.
  • Jejunum → Nutrients (carbs, proteins, fats) are absorbed into the body.
  • Ileum → Remaining nutrients (vitamins & minerals) are absorbed.
    5️⃣ Large Intestine – Absorbs water & prepares waste for elimination.
    6️⃣ Rectum & Anus – Waste is expelled from the body. 🚽

(5) Tips for a Healthy Digestive System!

Drink plenty of water! (Prevents constipation & keeps digestion smooth.) 💧
Eat fiber-rich foods! (Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains help move waste easily.) 🥗
Exercise regularly! (Encourages movement in the intestines.) 🏃‍♂️
Don’t ignore the urge to poop! (Holding it in can lead to constipation.)
Don’t push too hard! (Too much force can strain the anus and cause hemorrhoids.)

🎉 The Great Digestive Adventure is now complete! 🎉
But don’t worry—this journey repeats every time you eat! 😆

"Eat well, digest well, and poop well!" 🚀💩

🔹 Summary: Anus (The Final Exit!)

Poop is stored in the rectum before elimination.
The anal sphincter controls when poop is released.
Drinking water & eating fiber helps digestion and prevents constipation.
Poop is eliminated, and the digestive cycle begins again! 🚀
